I read the book over 4 years ago. Then it got popular. Then it got extra popular. Then it just got blown way out of proportion.
I have been alright with the Twilight series for some while, not liking it, but okay with it. But now it has gone too far.
While I was making my breakfast, I decide to stroll through the Best Buy ad. In the movies, I see this..
In under 4 years of being a credited actor, he went from being Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter movies, to being one of the number one idol among teens.
Don't just think that I am jumping to conclusions. I loved the books, I watched the first movie, and was disappointed.
Lets backtrack. First twilight was a big hit, making [a rumored] $70.6 mil in its opening week.
The second Twilight movie. SPONSORED BY VITAMIN WATER.
No movie, I repeat, No movie, should be sponsored if its first one made over 70 million on its opening week.
Maybe I'm just being bitter, but Robert Pattinson has sold out big time.
Sitting here blogging about him isin't helping him get any less famous, but in a few years, no one will know who he is.
But thats okay, this blog is barely read by anyone.
If you, for whatever reason, want dirt on any Twilight member, be sure to check out Perez Hilton's website at www.Perezhilton.com.
Video was removed, but here is another link. Twilight Vitamin Water
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