Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Fakes in the media

What is wrong with these people...

Recently, Balloon Boy.
New, a girl says she was bitten by a 40 year old man at a twilight showing.
(Picture on right of the alleged Twilight Bite victim)

These people get their 15 seconds of fame, but then they come back down to earth by lying to our media. Now, I am not saying that every news story is a liar, but all of the media concerning younger people is starting to all be hoaxes. This right now is just a rant, but think about it. Should we really lie about stuff to get fame. [I mean, not all do it for fame, but it usually ends up that way.] Or should we mooch of others success by suing the shit out of them and taking everything they have. NO! We should not. Why cant everyone just find a way to make an honest living, and let stuff come as it does. Its not just people or kids, also bands and stuff. Yes, I realize this post is very bitter and uncaring of me, but its about time that these people get what they deserve.

Ballon Boy: Young kid 'goes up in an aircraft alone' in Colorado, then his parents 'find' him in an attic
Twilighter: A girl claims she was 'bitten' by a man in his 40's at a premier of the showing of new moon.

At least they all are getting what is coming to them.
Balloon Boy's parents are being investigated by the FAA, and also local authorities.
"The local authorities are already investigating Richard and Mayumi Heene for criminal behavior including influencing a public official and the delinquency of a minor."
-from Perez Hilton
Erin Westrate (Twilight Girl) now could be charged with filing a false police report.

Let me know what you think of fakes in the media with a @reply to liariceonfire on twitter.

Twi-liar (nickname spawned by Perez Hilton)
Twi-liar image from WoodTV