Thursday, November 5, 2009

Google Wave

I was one of the lucky people to get into the Google Wave trial, thanks to Corey Wells over at

After a waiting period of around 3 days for my invite, I opened up google wave to see what I thought was one of the most innovative things I have seen.

Google Wave could be a big hit in schools for posting notes, pictures, or even just asking questions, and posting videos. It features the ability to imbed videos into the 'Wave' and also a playback feature.

I have not been able to test Google Wave to the fullest yet, but I plan to. The reason for that is...I have no friends who are in the Google Wave preview.
I will get back to you later on with more things on Google Wave. Please be patient until I write a better review for this.

I do know of Google Wave's full potential thanks to a video I saw on the web. (I forgot the original website)

Here is that video: