Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Make A Difference Monday #4 and #5

I apologize for not posting the one for last week. I was swamped with work.

For Make a Difference Monday number four, he takes a bunch of single mothers and treats them to a day spa, and treats their children to Chuck E' Cheese. He buys them tons of coins, pizza, and even cake. I think this one is one of his best. I could only imagine the struggles of a single mother raising a child. If anyone deserves a day off, it is a single parent. The kids really seemed to enjoy this

Here it is, Make a difference monday number four.

For the final Make a Difference Monday, Mr Chi City takes us through his life, and shows the places where he grew up. From where his friend was murdered, to where he showered when he was homeless. Describing everything so well it makes you realize how much he has been through. He opens up the doors of his life and lets you inside. This video was very motivational [as he hoped] and just is too much for words. Mr Chi City, I salute you and give you all of my respect. You are truly an inspiration.

I leave you the final Make a Difference Monday.